Please continue to COLLECT boxtops for CLASS PRIZES!
This year we will be collecting Box Tops for Education, Campbell's Labels for Education and
Tyson Project A+ labels. The Box Tops for Education and Tyson Project A+
labels will be tallied together this year.
Box Tops for Education are worth 10 cents each.
Tyson labels are worth 24 cents each.
The incentive program is as follows:
$40 in Tyson/Box Tops = Popsicle Party
$80 in Tyson/Box Tops = Cookie Party
$120 in Tyson/Box Tops = Ice Cream Party
$160 in Tyson/Box Tops = Pizza Party
$200 in Tyson/Box Tops = BOX TOPS CHAMPS CUPCAKE PARTY!!
This year we will be collecting Box Tops for Education, Campbell's Labels for Education and
Tyson Project A+ labels. The Box Tops for Education and Tyson Project A+
labels will be tallied together this year.
Box Tops for Education are worth 10 cents each.
Tyson labels are worth 24 cents each.
The incentive program is as follows:
$40 in Tyson/Box Tops = Popsicle Party
$80 in Tyson/Box Tops = Cookie Party
$120 in Tyson/Box Tops = Ice Cream Party
$160 in Tyson/Box Tops = Pizza Party
$200 in Tyson/Box Tops = BOX TOPS CHAMPS CUPCAKE PARTY!!